COVID 19 Safety Plan
In order to keep our clients and staff as safe as possible, we will be following guidance from the BC Government and Worksafe BC. The following protocols are now in effect.
FOR OUR FRONT SALES / SERVICE AREA and radios brought in for repair
- We are ensuring any staff with symptoms of being sick (cold, flu or COVID19) must stay at home.
- We request that clients presenting any symptoms do not access any of our services, nor come to the store for product purchases. We are happy to arrange local delivery if needed.
- A maximum of 3 customers can be in our front retail / pick up area at a time. If the space is at capacity, please wait outside until someone leaves.
- We have arranged physical barriers at our main service counter to insure distancing. Please respect not getting any closer.
- We will be regularly sanitizing door handles, debit machine, counters, sinks, and light switches.
- We will be suspending coffee and water offerings for the time being and are restricting access to washrooms to only our staff.
- Radios brought to us for repair will first be applied with a sanitization solution prior to repair, then repaired and reassembled and finally applied with a sanitization solution prior to being returned to you.
- Prior to radio installation or repair we will spray your vehicle interior with disinfectant.
- Radio repair or installation will then proceed and our technicians will wear facemasks during the installation if requested by our clientele.
- Upon completion of repair or installation, a second spray or wipe down with disinfectant will be applied.
- Technicians will wear masks and gloves during any indoor work.
- Technicians will ensure physical distancing with other trades or site customers.
- After work is completed, technician will spray or wipe down the affected area worked on by us with disinfectant.